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Directional Faith | Spiritual Direction for Men

Spiritual Direction for Men

Men face unique challenges, so using the same spiritual direction approaches as women will not work. Focusing on the topics men care about most helps us get down to becoming the solid rock our families and communities need.

Man attending spiritual direction online with Directional Faith

Why Men Need Spiritual Direction

The Statistics compiled some excellent statistics on men and their church attendance. Here are the results:

  • The average U.S. church is 61% women, and 39% men
  • Almost 25% of women go to church without their husbands
  • Midweek activities are about 70-80% women
  • Over 70% of boys will not go to church in their 20s
  • Fewer than 10% of churches have a “vibrant men’s ministry”

That last statistic is the most telling. Without a strong men’s ministry, men often feel like they don’t belong. Or, the activities are just not something men are interested in.

Without a men’s ministry, men have no way to connect with each other. Their attendance starts to slip until they eventually leave the church. Their faith is not strong enough, and there is one primary reason: they lack a true relationship with God.

Men need a space where “men can be men” – where they can talk about their struggles without fear of judgment.
Spiritual direction with Directional Faith can help.

The Challenges Men Face

Men are called to be leaders, not just in the workplace, but at home, in their communities, and in their church. With that comes a specific set of challenges unique to men:

The positive impact of spiritual direction on fathers.


As fathers, men serve as a role model for their children, so developing their faith is paramount to raising the next generation of Christians. If 70% of boys fall away from the faith in their 20s, it’s highly likely they had a father who was not engaged in his own faith.

And today’s concept of fatherhood is changing – from the rise of single fathers to more grandfathers taking an active part in their grandkids lives. Building a deeper spiritual life helps to meet these challenges head on.


Our fathers were not the type to talk much – especially about their emotions or spiritual lives. But we now realize the importance of men growing in these ways to become better husbands and partners.


Men often serve in a lot of roles in their community, including coaching, teaching, and mentoring programs. Having men willing to step up and serve in these roles helps our communities to thrive – especially when they are men of high character and values.

At Church

Men need a spiritual awakening. We’re sitting back and letting the women take on all of the responsibility at church, but churches with a strong group of men are thriving!

The women can’t do it alone. We need to man up and help rebuild the church.

How Spiritual Direction Can Help

Man positively impacted by spiritual direction

Spiritual direction is a process that can help men explore their faith, grow in their relationship with God, and make decisions about their lives. A spiritual director is a trained listener who can help men to:

  • Discern God’s presence in their lives
  • Identify their spiritual gifts and talents
  • Develop a personal prayer life
  • Make wise choices about their relationships and careers
  • Cope with the unique challenges men face

Spiritual direction can be a valuable resource for men who are seeking guidance and support on their spiritual journey.

Why Choose Directional Faith?

My Approach

My goal is to meet men on their terms – understanding life from their perspective. Men face unique challenges, and it’s important to not use techniques generally geared towards women.

Sometimes, it’s easier to speak man-to-man, without filters or concern for what others may think. Directional Faith is a space where men can be men as they share about their faith.

Learn more about my approach to spiritual direction.

Strictly Christian

There won’t be any lighting of candles, singing bowls, or other practices at Directional Faith. It’s simply a conversation between two Christians, where one is coming to the other for guidance and advice.

Learn why I only work with Christians in spiritual direction.

Clear and Straightforward

Men want someone to speak to them in a clear, direct manner. Some spiritual directors over-complicate faith and religion, when men simply want clear, straightforward guidance.

Remote / Online

Remote spiritual direction is a convenient and affordable option for men who live in rural areas or who have difficulty finding a spiritual director in their area. With remote spiritual direction, men can meet with their spiritual director via video chat or phone call. This allows them to have the same benefits of spiritual direction as they would if they were meeting in person, without having to travel.

Learn more about pricing options at Directional Faith here.

What’s Next?

If you are interested in spiritual direction, your first session is FREE! Book your first no-hassle, no commitment session today!