Every spiritual director takes a different approach to spiritual direction, based on their faith tradition and the training they received in spiritual direction. Your job is to evaluate their approach and see if it is a good fit for you.
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Directional Faith Spiritual Direction is…
Christian-Focused Spiritual Direction
First and foremost, my approach is focused on Christian spiritual direction. While many spiritual directors work in interfaith practices, I believe that it’s important to share a common faith with my directees. If I wanted to improve my guitar playing, I wouldn’t hire a clarinet instructor to teach me. They may be able to teach me basic music theory, but the real-world application just wouldn’t work. Learn more about my approach to Christian spiritual direction.
Every Christian – Regardless of Denomination
As someone who grew up Lutheran, became “just Christian” as a teenager, and later settled into Catholicism as an adult, I understand and respect different Christian beliefs and approaches. Our focus together will not be on the dogmas that separate our denominations but on our common goal of a relationship with Jesus. At the same time, issues particular to your beliefs will come into the picture, and I will work with you in that space.
In short, I offer spiritual direction for every Christian, regardless of denomination.
Online Spiritual Direction
Most spiritual directors meet directly with their directees in-person. While I am open to that, I understand that finding a spiritual director that is close to home and fits your particular needs can be challenging. I have been on that search myself. That is why my focus is online spiritual direction, where I can reach people from the smallest towns to the largest cities who are struggling to find a good match with a spiritual director.
Learn more about online spiritual direction.
Spiritual Direction for Teens
The future of Christianity will someday be in the hands of today’s teens and young people, but if trends continue, few of them will choose to remain Christian – regardless of their parents’ efforts or what their faith looked like as kids. I believe that is because we focus too much on teaching our kids about God instead of teaching them how to know God.
Spiritual direction focuses on knowing God by building a relationship with Him, so teen spiritual direction might be one solution to solving the Western world’s faith crisis.
A More Direct Approach to Spiritual Direction
The common trend in spiritual direction is based on “reflective listening,” which is a technique focused on the director asking the right questions of the directee. In that way, the directee finds their own answers, and essentially their own path. While this works in the right situations, I also believe that many people seeking a spiritual director want more direct answers (you can’t be a “director” without being direct). My more direct approach will give you tools and actionable ideas to help you achieve your spiritual goals.
What about spiritual “companions?” In some circles, such as Spiritual Directors International (an organization I am a member of), has started referring to spiritual directors as spiritual companions because of the more reflective approach. If you would prefer someone with a similar approach – someone less direct – they have a guide for finding the right spiritual companion here.
Ignatian Spirituality
One of the guiding spiritualities that guides me is called Ignatian Spirituality, which is based on the teachings of Ignatius of Loyola. The site is filled with information about it, but basically, it is a very practical spirituality. Ignatius taught how to discern God’s will, how to see God in all things, and how to build a more practical spirituality – a perfect fit for today’s modern world.
But that does not limit our focus to Ignatian Spirituality. It may not be a fit for everyone. If you want a more traditional, strictly-Biblical approach, let’s discuss your goals. If you want a more modern approach, we can talk about that, as well.
A Spirit-Led Relationship
In every session, we begin with recognizing the importance of the Holy Spirit with us. There are always 3 attendees to each session: you, me, and God. Building a deeper spirituality starts, then, with recognizing this fact.
The importance of God being present in the session is because that is the relationship we will focus on building. My job as a spiritual director is as a facilitator and mediator of that relationship. My goal is to help you grow closer to God through prayer, scripture study, practical spirituality, and learning to hear God’s voice within you.
At first, it may feel a little strange for some, but that is exactly why you are here. You want a deeper, more personal relationship with God, and you’re searching for a way to get there. In time, we’ll make it happen.
the Director – Directee Relationship
I believe that being chosen to be someone’s spiritual director is an honor and should not be taken lightly. If someone approaches me about a spiritual direction relationship, I strive to give that the respect that it deserves. My goal is to always be objective in our relationship.
Over time, there is a natural bond that forms between a director and directee. Despite that bond, my job is to always stay objective. The relationship is between you and God, and my own biases cannot be brought into that. I am committed to helping you find your path to God based on where He is leading you.
What’s Next?
When you’re ready to take the next step, book your FREE, no obligation consultation.